Ordinary People Extraordinary Lives. The book is a collection of real-life stories of people around Sudha Murthy. The stories are experiences of people around her which are quite incredible. Some stories make you laugh other's make you cry but one thing is for sure and that is each one of them is an inspiring tale form which we can all take away some learning. The stories from her childhood days in Hubli are quite interesting and fascinating, as they remind us of an era when all people of a village knew each other and lived together. There is a very heart warming story responsible for the title of the book, which is about the Devdasi system in India wherein young girls were forced into prostitution in the name of god. The book ends with the worthy mention about alcohol anonymous which helps people with alcohol addiction. This book is a good light read and is similar to Chicken Soup for the soul series books. Author : Sudha Murty Published : 2017 Pu...
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